Brussels meetup group
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- WARNING: this page is definitely not regularly updated.
- web page: LessWrong Brussels
- contact : Roxolan and Axel
- venue : La Fleur en Papier Doré, Rue des Alexiens 55, 1000 Brussels
- frequency : monthly (second Saturday of the month at 1am)
- average attendance : 4-5 people
Sample Past meetups
- the 11th of February 2012
- individual interests, individual situation (studies, work, ...), position with Less Wrong, shared some interesting book titles
- the 17th of March 2012
- how to handle personal crisis
- the 16th of April 2012
- difficulties of social interactions
- the 19th of May 2012
- exercises, including the game "werewolves", to practice lessons learned on social behavior and group dynamics
- "werewolves" skipped as we were not enough players
- recommendation to play equivalents online
- "werewolves" skipped as we were not enough players
- creative thinking puzzle a la Google interview
- agenda
- later that day Serons-nous la dernière génération à mourir de vieillesse ?
- June 8th Who needs a worldview at VUB
- exercises, including the game "werewolves", to practice lessons learned on social behavior and group dynamics
- the 16th of June 2012
- proposition by Fabien to discuss about his list of scenarii of personnal catastrophic events and his MemoryLoss as an example to recover from one such scenario
- answering
- discussing meta-externalities and order them by risk
- ponder why has not been used in research via Future of Humanity Institute or Long Now Foundation
- the 14th of July 2012
- Axel's Bayes game
- (add desc for pic)
- (add desc for pic)
- (add desc for pic)
- Just world theory
- Technocracy vs. Democracy
- Axel's Bayes game
- the 11th of August 2012
- iterated version of Axels' Bayes game
- now actually had to use the formula few times
- actuarial science
- some ranting against religion
- some discussions on physics
- iterated version of Axels' Bayes game
- September 15th Rue des Alexiens 55 1000 Bruxelles at 12:00
- learning tennis, update on probabilities, system 1&2, venn diagram explanation
- (add desc for pic)
- monthly iteration of Axel's game
- (add desc for pic)
- (add desc for pic)
- (add desc for pic)
- learning tennis, update on probabilities, system 1&2, venn diagram explanation
- the 13th of October 2012
- Hunters in nature preserves
- The biology of hard substances in animals
- Dangerous substances
- The seemingly (?) pervasive stereotype of notherners being more industrious and southerners more lazy within many European countries
- the 24th of November 2012
- Unusually invigorating discussion on hindsight bias and Kahneman's "thinking fast and slow".
- The 15th of December 2012
- Visit from a real cryonicist.
- Life in lake Vostok?
- The 5th of January 2013
- The mating behaviour of butterflies
- Spoil tips (mijnterril / steenberg)
- Kenia
- charity
- A vastly improved version of Axel's Bayes game
- The 16th of February 2013
- Planning for a recruitment campaign at the local university
- Trying out Hugo's arguing game. It proves very effective at getting interesting conversations going, if nothing else.
- Topics discussed in the game include the value of space exploration, whether voting should be mandatory, and the most likely pathway to rogue drones destroying humanity (still pretty unlikely).
- The 16t of March 2013
- Welcoming newcomers.
- Playing the arguing game some more. Topics discussed: intellectual property on artistic works, whether anyone should lose their right to vote, positive discrimination, school uniforms, the legalization of drugs and prostitution.
- Transhumanism and immortality.
- The 20th of April 2013
- Hyperbolic space
- Gut bacteria
- If a "base universe" runs on many-worlds QM, and inside this universe other QM universes are being simulated. To save on computational resources, only one "many-worlds-branch" of every simulated universe is actually calculated. Does this influence the anthropic probability of being in the base universe vs. a simulated universe?
- The Drake equation and its disturbing implications.